Feeders are individuals that just put down food sporadically (no more or less).
A Colony Caretaker feeds their colony with dignity by neatly having food and water daily for the cats and ensuring all stays near & clean. So one does not become a public nuisance.
A Colony Caretaker ensures all their cats are TNVR’D (Trapped, Neutered, Vaccinated, & Returned).
This ensures your colony will not reproduce and therefore it will be considered a “controlled colony”
A Colony Caretaker ensures their colony cats have adequate places to go in the event of inclement weather. This means to provide winter cat shelters.
Winter Cat Shelters can be made with Styrofoam containers or plastic Rubbermaid containers (both insulated)
*See page on how to make winter shelters for your cats
A Colony Caretaker ensures their colony cats are well cared for, including when they fall ill or become injured. By doing this, the colony caretaker will trap the cat & have seen by a Veterinarian to be assessed and treated.
